What We Believe about:

  • Bible
  • God
  • Christ
  • Holy Spirit
  • Satan
  • Man
  • Salvation
  • Ordinances
  • Church

What We Do

We want to be obedient to the Lord’s command in the Great Commission to make disciples for Him.

To this end the leadership equips the congregation to witness to unbelievers and disciple new believers.

We do our utmost to promote spiritual growth in order to present believers mature in Christ at His return.
Ephesians 4:11-12, Colossians 1:28-29.

What We Want To Achieve

  1. Grow in our love relationship with the Father and the Son
  2. Equip believers to faithfully share the gospel
  3. Equip believers to disciple new believers
  4. Continually seek the will of the Lord for ministry opportunities
  5. Encourage spiritual growth by preaching and teaching the Word, prayer, worship, fellowship, giving and providing opportunities to use spiritual gifts in the Body.

Jesus Christ is the Senior Pastor of our church and under his leadership the team of elders leads, feeds and protects the flock.
Jesus has called qualified men to lead his church and the qualifications for this task are found in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.

The primary duties of the elders are to pray, study the Word of God, care for the God's people and lead God's people according to vision the Lord has given the team of elders.

We believe in team leadership where the responsibility of caring and equipping God's people is shared among the elders.

Our leadership team consists of five elders who oversee all the ministries in our church in close contact with the respective ministry leader.

The elders serve as examples to the flock and together hold one another accountable for accomplishing the Lord's work in and through our local church.

Our church is the outgrowth of a vision the Lord gave to his servant Frederick Franson back in the nineteenth century. Franson was born in Sweden on June 17, 1852. He grew up in a Christian environment and his family immigrated to Nebraska, USA, in 1869. At the age of 20 he was converted after reading Romans 10:6-7 and was later baptized in the Swedish Baptist Church.
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Video created from a 35mm film strip and cassette audio produced by The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM) staff in the early 1970s.
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